Polar Pure Iodine Water Disinfectant Review

Iodine crystals provide an easy way to purify water for drinking.

Polar Pure Iodine Water Disinfectant Info

  • Each bottle treats up to 2,000 liters of water.
  • Indefinite shelf life when bottle is kept tightly capped.
  • Weight: 5 oz

Polar Pure Iodine Water Disinfectant is a popular iodine-based product for hikers and backpackers traveling in areas where they will need to restock and treat their drinking water.

How to Use

The polar pure bottle contains pure iodine crystals. As long as there are crystals in the bottom of the bottle, the solution is effective.

  1. To create the purifying solution, fill the bottle up with water and wait an hour.
  2. Once you have made the liquid solution in the bottle, the temperature indicator on the side of the bottle will show you how many capfuls to use for a liter of water.
  3. Simply fill up a 1 Liter water bottle from your water source, then add the indicated number of capfuls of your iodine solution, and shake the bottle.
  4. After 20 minutes you will have purified water to drink.


The tiny compact bottle weighs just 5 ounces when it's full, and fits in the plam of your hand.

It's made of thick glass that won't easily break and can be securely packed inside your bag.


Using Iodine to purify water kills all waterborne pathogens, including Giardia and other microorganisms that are small enough to fit through a filter.


While some people say they can taste a bitter flavor in water treated with iodine, Polar Pure Iodine Water Disinfectant has a very mild taste that is barely detectable.

Shelf Life

Polar Pure Iodine Water Disinfectant doesn't have an expiry date and while it's best to keep the bottle tightly capped, it has an indefinite shelf life. Strong heat or cold temperatures won't cause it to spoil.

Possible Concerns

Polar Pure Iodine Water Disinfectant should not be used by people who have an allergy to iodine.

Overall Value

Iodine is a very simple-to-use,and cost-efficient way to ensure that your drinking water is treated properly and is safe to drink. It is also less bulky than packing large water filters, and it lasts a long time.

Each tiny bottle of Polar Pure Iodine Water Disinfectant can be used to purify up to 2,000 liters of water. It's a very economical way to purify water, and works out to about 1/2 a cent per liter.

Polar Pure Iodine Water Disinfectant is very reasonably priced at Amazon.

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